Train Times

< June 2016 >
    1 2 3 4 55th June5th June
6 7 8 9 10 11 1212th June12th June
13 14 15 16 17 18 1919th June19th June
20 21 22 23 24 25 2626th June26th June
27 28 29 30      
 Trains From 1pm
 Special Timetable
 Santa Special
 All trains cancelled
 Trains from 11.30am


Click here to see the timetable by date.

  • Station
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Sittingbourne Viaduct
  • 13:00
  • 14:00
  • 15:00
  • 16:00
  • Kemsley Down
  • 13:15
  • 14:15
  • 15:15
  • 16:15
  • (free time)
  • Kemsley Down
  • 13:35
  • 14:35
  • 15:35
  • 16:45
  • Sittingbourne Viaduct
  • 13:50
  • 14:50
  • 15:50
  • 17:00
  • Station
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Time
  • Sittingbourne Viaduct
  • 11:30
  • 12:30
  • 14:00
  • 15:00
  • 16:00
  • Kemsley Down
  • 11:45
  • 12:45
  • 14:15
  • 15:15
  • 16:15
  • (free time)
  • Kemsley Down
  • 12:05
  • 13:35
  • 14:35
  • 15:35
  • 16:45
  • Sittingbourne Viaduct
  • 12:20
  • 13:50
  • 14:50
  • 15:50
  • 17:00
  • Special Events
  • Saturday 30th March
  • Easter Saturday
  • More Info
  • Sunday 14th April
  • Behind the Scenes Day
  • More Info
  • Sunday 28th April
  • Jack the Station Cat Day
  • More Info
  • Sunday 12th May
  • Melior, Unique and Kemsley Paper Mill's Centenary Celebration
  • More Info
  • Saturday 27th July
  • Wild West Weekend
  • More Info
  • Sunday 28th July
  • Wild West Weekend
  • More Info
  • Date to be confirmed
  • Swale Vehicle Enthusiasts Club Afternoon
  • More Info
  • Saturday 28th September
  • Gala Weekend
  • More Info
  • Sunday 29th September
  • Gala Weekend
  • More Info
  • Saturday/Sunday 7/8th, 14/15th, 21st/22nd & Monday 23rd December
  • Santa Specials
  • More Info